Sunday, November 13, 2005

Promised Photos

Okay, okay. I wanted to wait until it was ALL done but honestly that could take a few more weeks, all the little things like, oh, re-hanging doors and getting all the fixtures changed and putting final coats on trim and touching things up and... and...

This is how it looks now... and there are a few before photos (from when we first looked at the house when it was on the market) scattered in. Normally I'm not at all into painting wood, but it was SO dark up there and the kids were weirded out by all the knotholes that looked like "eyes." It's lighter and brighter and all theirs.

Click the staircase to go to the photo set.


Janet said...

Cute!! And how smart of your part to choose a berber carpet for your kids area. I am paying the price now for not doing so...

Would love to see your handiwork in person. Hint. Hint.

Kristina said...

LOL! Sure, sure. When the rest of the house catches up with the upstairs, we'll get back to the entertaining. Right now it's like one of those puzzles where you have to slide the tiles around to get the numbers in order, but there's only that one blank space that you have to work with. Getting the kids' stuff out of their room downstairs was the first move, and now everything else needs to get shuffled into order.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you did a great job with the kids' rooms!! I love the white in the hallway; it really brightens up the area. I am also in love with the built-ins. Great job!!!!

protected static said...

Do we get to give you any grief for the pink v. blue thing going on there? ;-)

Kristina said...

Thanks Karyl! And no PS - no giving grief for the gender traditional colours is allowed. We didn't choose 'em, we simply advised as to shade so that they didn't end up with blinding clashes or pepto pink walls. They certainly wouldn't have been *my* choices. :)

~ap said...

wooohooo! it looks freakin' awesome!

good job, you guys. i bet the squiglets are thrilled. so much space and now, a sense of their own place. won-der-ful.

yay for you!

~ap said...

p.s. i do think it is so classique that they chose those colors. don'tcha just society so strong that it overwhelms what you'd teach them, or are they inately programmed to like those colors?

i was always about the orange and yellow as a kid -- but of course, that *was the 60s-70s.

Lora said...

Looks great! I love the light fixtures and that little half-moon window.