Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Give 'Em Hell, Harry!

Did you SEE what happened yesterday? Our Democratic Senate Minority Leader, Harry Reid, thunked Felonius Frist right between the eyes and called for a closed Senate session to discuss the intel used to justify the Iraq war, and why there has so far been no investigation into the Bush administration's role in manipulating that intel. My god, what a breath of fresh air, and an indication that there are Dems in Congress who are still capable of fighting back.

After receiving an e-mail from my good friend Howard Dean (oh how I still love that man), I immediately sent off a contribution to the DNC and a letter of thanks to Senator Reid; I encourage you to do the same, if you can.

Kinda makes this bleak anniversary a little bit easier to take. 3 more years, my friends, unless Bush's lies - damnable lies! - catch him the way Nixon's caught him.


protected static said...

Evidently, lots of people sent flowers, too...

Kristina said...

As well they should. Positive reinforcement for good behaviour will hopefully encourage even more good behaviour. Right?