Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Sour Grapes

I'm not sure how it worked out that I spent an hour and 15 minutes outside yesterday at Nathan's baseball practice, shivering pathetically under overcast skies with cold winds gusting, while today Stephen will be enjoying a calm, sunny 55 degree afternoon t-ball practice with Sophie. That's just poor planning on my part.


~ap said...

good lord, woman, what *could* you have been thinking?

consult the weather gods next time, and trick that man into stepping up on bad weather days!

you sweet, languishing flower.... ;)

Lora said...


I like your new photo.

Janet said...

Ahh, boo hoo. It is, technically, still winter, my friend!!

Kristina said...

~ap - actually, I just make him go to the Saturday 8:30am practices while I accompany girlie at the more sane hour of 11am. So I shouldn't complain. But where's the fun in that?

lora - thank you! What do you think of the new template?

j bo - actually if you want to get technical about it, Spring sprung on Monday. :P

Janet said...

Doh! But I recall saying in January or February that I didn't want to hear any complaints about not having spring time weather during spring.....

Your template is much like mine, though not so pink. :) I like it!