Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Left-wing Vitriol

Plenty to go around today!

First, I woke to the news story that some legislators east of the Cascade mountains want to break off and become the 51st state. To which I say: Don't let Rainier hit you in the ass on the way out. I would like nothing better than to cut loose the freeloading morons. Whose taxes do they think subsidize them, pay for their roads, their schools, their law enforcement, their social services? Yep. Mine and those of the my western Washington homies, that's whose. I'd love to see the eastern folk make a go of it on their own, if they really think they'll be better off. Like it or not red-staters (and those red parts of states that went blue), you NEED us. The money WE pay lets you live at a much higher standard than you would otherwise. YOU are the welfare nation. Get over yourselves, or get out and good riddance.

Then, I spent a good bit of time in the car this morning listening to Al Franken on Air America Radio. Today, the entire show was dedicated to that liar extraordinairre, Bill O'Reilly. The man is either a bonafide compulsive liar, or he's losing his mental acuity... maybe a little bit of both. But the myriad of self-contradictions and misstatements of facts and quotes was both frightening and damn funny. Bill, anyone in this country with a brain and the ability to think independently considers you a laughingstock. Put that in your falafel and smoke it.

Franken interviewed the creator of the best web domain name ever:

And here I didn't think anything would ever beat

I was wrong.

Finally, a co-worker sent me the link to this article: Piss Off. Seems some Belgians have found a controversial way to express their displeasure with our simian leader. Makes me wish I had a penis.


Kristina said...

Aw, thanks Michael B! I'm glad you're here reading. I checked out your blog too, and I look forward to reading more.

Kristina said...

Thanks Empress! Yeah, actually the biggest downside to the whole thing is that you'd actually have to look at his chimpy face every time you went in the bathroom. I don't think I could handle that - I try very hard to pretend he doesn't exist.