Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Dinnertime Conversation

Nathan: Mom, what's your first name?

Me: Kristina.

Nathan: What colour is the sky today?

Me: Blue!

Nathan: What's the opposite of down?

Me: Up.

Nathan: Kristina. Blue. Up. Get it?!?! Kristina blew up!

Much laughter ensued, followed by...

Sophie: Knock-knock.

Me: Who's there?

Sophie: Panther.

Me: Panther who?

Sophie: Panther no panth, I'm going thwimming!

More uproarious laughter.

Now, I'm the first to admit those are both pretty good, especially from two kids who get as much pleasure as they do from farting loudly. So the first time, they were great. Even the second time, when they told Stephen, they made me chuckle. Now I have heard both of those jokes 16 times and counting. They just keep switching back and forth. Is it any wonder other species eat their young?

1 comment:

Betsy said...

Oh, my young daughter thinks it's way amusing to burp. Loudly. Did I mention she burps like a truck driver? A very very LOUD truck driver? (Yes, heads turn when she does this in public.)
