Thursday, January 20, 2005

As the Second Reign Begins...

...this is what the United States has become. This is what we stand for now. Doesn't it make you proud?

New York Times: Iraqi Orphan watches as parents shot by U.S. Forces

If you have children, think - just for a moment - about them in that situation. There. Feel that roiling in the pit of your stomach? The tightness in your chest? Makes it hard to breathe, doesn't it?

The blood on that little girl is on all our hands. We, as a country, have let this happen - we continue to let it happen every day. Why aren't we sitting in the streets refusing to participate? Why aren't we demanding that those in charge be held accountable for all of the senseless death? How can we live with ourselves, knowing that these things - and worse - are done in our names?

I don't have any answers. I live my comfortable life in my comfortable house in my comfortable city. My kids are safe and happy and cared for and probably will never have to deal with seeing their father and me shot in front of them. I feel helpless and despairing and alienated from my own country... but! The rent needs to be paid and there are two episodes of Sex And The City waiting for me on TiVo and I'm unfullfilled in my career and I want to lose 10 pounds and I'm not sure what to make for dinner tonight and I want an iPod Shuffle and when will I find the time to go skiing? Priorities!

What will it take to get me - to get all of us who feel the same way to break out of our comfortable STUPID lives and DO something?

I don't have any answers. Just the roiling stomach and the shortness of breath and the shame and the dark dark fear.


Anonymous said...

How is it that I think it and you write it for the whold world to read? The photo was most alarming....What can we do? I am sure you already have, but signing this is a start:

J Bo

Anonymous said...

'Whold World' is me talking with a stuffy nose. :)

Kristina said...

*nods* Yup. The self-absorption and unrelenting consumerism of this country - either completely unaware of the charmed lives we lead or just not giving a damn. Is it a wonder we are hated the way we are?

J Bo - thanks. It seems so completely ineffectual, but I still signed.