Wednesday, January 14, 2004

What's in a name?

"Why Lively Writhing?", you may be asking yourself. I could be sophisticated and coy and let the mystery be, but then I wouldn't get to share my favourite Theodore Roethke poem, "Wish For a Young Wife".

My lizard, my lively writher,
May your limbs never wither,
May the eyes in your face
Survive the green ice
Of envy's mean gaze;
May you live out your life
Without hate, without grief,
And your hair ever blaze,
In the sun, in the sun,
When I am undone,
When I am no one.

This poem was on my mind a lot during both of my pregnancies. Since we chose not to find out the kids' genders ahead of time, I had fun picturing them as little lizards writhing around (in quite the lively manner) in my belly. Now they're writhing on the outside and are more child-like than reptilian (most of the time), but I still love that image of youthful, enthusiastic movement.

I'm thinking that this might be a place where I can let some of the lovely chaos in my head come out to play. And maybe even blaze in the sun a little.

1 comment:

Sicker Eve Folk said...

LivelyWrither - you won't find the anonymity that you seek here. Though, it'll be as close as you can get. And, though, it's stil fun. Right? Case in point - this "comment," here. Not a stalker (me.) Goodnight, and, well, TIGERS. TIGERS. TIGERS. Holy Sh*t!