Wednesday, October 04, 2006

On Second Thought

Yeah, you know the whole "I don't hate Derek Jeter" thing from earlier today? Well, thanks to the ESPN pre-game-that-was-postponed-until-tomorrow show, I've moved ever so much closer to, if not hate, then an intense dislike of the man. Because there's nothing that sets one's teeth on edge like being verbally assaulted for two hours with "Dude, Derek Jeter is the AWESOMEST ballplayer - nay! - human BEING who has ever walked the face of this planet. He can hit, hit can throw, he can run and - get this - he's kind to puppies, children, and nuns."

If Jeter Christ is so damned amazing, why didn't he just snap his fingers and part the skies over Yankee Stadium so they could have played the GAME?

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