Sunday, June 05, 2005

Happy Birthday, Boy!

But don't underestimate me...
I'm seven years tall
and all I need is a cape and a mask
so I can fly outta here
I can fly

- Eddie From Ohio

Seven (!) years ago today my life changed forever. I still remember the first morning I woke up in my own bed, my now empty tummy lying like an entity unto itself next to me. At first it felt like it might be any other morning, but then I heard the fruit of my loins stirring in his bassinet at the end of the bed. And I thought...

"What have I done, and is there any way I can get out of it?!?"

Not my proudest moment, that.

Luckily, it got better. My "NOT A NORMAL BABY!" has grown into a sweet, beautiful and smart little boy who wants to grow up to be a professional baseball player or a singer - at least today.

So much more to write, but I feel incapable of making much sense - too sleepy. Nathan had 4 boys over for a birthday slumber party last night... as would be expected, there wasn't much slumbering. They went to bed around 10:30 and were up and at 'em by 5:30. We survived 'em. Barely.


Lora said...

Happy Birthday to Nathan!

You're allowed moments of panic, because as I'm sure you are well aware by now it's not the individual moments it's the way they average out.

Janet said...

Happy Birthday to Nathan!

Glad you survived the sleepover, K!