Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Somewhere In My Youth or Childhood

... I must have done something good.

You might remember this post from around the holiday season, where I gave praise to whomever turned in a bag of Christmas gifts that I left on the bus. Well, once again I have to send a big old 'thank you' out to the person who found my... get this... Metro Flexpass (basically a yearlong free ticket to ride the bus that my company provides as an incentive to take mass transit rather than driving) along with my office keycard.

Folks, if you were to buy a comparable pass, it would cost nearly $1600. And yet... there it sits at the lost and found waiting for me to go get it. I'm cashing in some good karma points from somewhere down the line, and I'm very very grateful.


Lora said...

Kinda reaffirms your faith in humankind, if only for a while.

Janet said...

It's good karma day! Yay for honest people!