Thursday, September 13, 2007

I'm Not Dead Yet!

Though sadly, this place has been for far too long. That's going to change, and soon... there's just too much that's happened in the last couple of months that I need to document, and more stuff coming down the line. And when you're talking to your mom on the phone and says "so are you ever going to write anything in your blog again?" I think it's a sure sign either of the apocalypse or that it is indeed time to update.

For today, a triumph. In my morning yoga class (a week-long intensive), I started out in prasarita padottanasana (note: the images are NOT me, but use your imagination, 'mkay?):

and using only my stomach muscles, floated my legs out sideways and up into a headstand:

FWOOP. Just like that. Okay, it was slower than "fwoop" seems to indicate, but still. I was so excited I almost fell over, but managed to keep my balance for 20 seconds or so before coming back down in a vaguely graceful manner.

So miracles do happen. Like effortless headstands. And me writing here again.


J & T said...

I'm so glad to see you're back! And impressed with your yoga chops. I need to get back to yoga classes once my foot heals, hopefully soon.

Toast said...

That's just not right. What part of we're getting old are you failing to grasp?