Thursday, November 04, 2004

Keeping our spirits up

Note: Yep. This was a good, yet overly ambitious idea. It got me through those first shocked and sad days, but I found that it became pretty daunting pretty quickly. Not that good things aren't happening every day - of course they are. But I'd much rather just write up a post when something strikes me fancy than struggle to come up with something short and pithy for any particular day. So I'm letting this one go. Back to your regularly scheduled blogging.

In order not to dwell in the land of despair, constantly berating what is and rehashing what-might-have-been, I've decided to attempt to find and highlight one positive thing each day until the next election. It might be something that gives me hope or makes me laugh, it could be local, national, or international... heck, maybe even intergalactic (a lot could happen in four years!). You'll find them over on the left under the heading "Today's Good Thing". I might not be able to post every day, but I will gather 'em up and batch post when I need to. When new ones go up, the old ones will get copied here as a reminder of where we've been and hopefully how far we've come. I've started today; yesterday was best left for mourning.

Nov 29, 2004: The Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal aimed at overturning the Massachusetts gay marriage law. A victory in the larger war for equal rights, to be sure.
Nov 28, 2004: Happy Birthday, Jon Stewart!
Nov 27, 2004: How weird that having four kids around is often easier than just having my two?
Nov 26, 2004: A fun night out with the girlfriends tonight. Need more of this, more community, more friendships with history and good face-to-face fun.
Nov 25, 2004: Despite having less to be thankful for than I'd hoped, I have a LOT to be thankful for... I'm blessed to have a wonderful life, an amazing family, and fantastic friends. Happy Thanksgiving y'all.
Nov 24, 2004: High-speed wireless connection from my massage space + great massage + meeting William at Blue C Sushi for lunch = Yay!
Nov 23, 2004: Finally got back in for some massage work on my knee. I love receiving massage, even the kind that's more "good for me" than "feels good". Would very much love to receive massage for a living. Any takers? Bueller? Anyone?
Nov 22, 2004: *sniffle* Apologies Accepted.
Nov 21, 2004: Stephen arrived home from SF bearing chocolate! And Incredibles t-shirts!
Nov 20, 2004: After watching the amazingly meta Adaptation, William and talked about writing and shared our most embarrassing childhood memories. Good times!
Nov 19, 2004: Hung out at a cafe with wireless access whilst Sophie enjoyed her dance class down the block. What is it about caffeine and the internet together that is so satisfying?
Nov 18, 2004: A great night out, watching David Wilcox with my sweetie at The Triple Door - a gorgeous venue that used to be a vaudeville/movie house and then a parking garage. Newly restored, it's now a very cool dinner theatre.
Nov 17, 2004: Happy Birthday, Howard Dean! Yeeeeaaagh!
Nov 16, 2004: Rufus Wainwright's new CD, Want Two was released today. Yay! And it has an explicit lyric warning sticker on it... buying it made me feel all young and subversive again.
Nov 15, 2004: As is often the case, Boondocks hits it exactly.
Nov 14, 2004: Nathan ate 5 green beans and declared he liked them 79%. (Sophie already likes them 100%... she's an early adopter.)
Nov 13, 2004: Received this today from a friend: Depressed Democrats Guide to Recovery. Fiore's stuff is wonderful.
Nov 12, 2004: The feature article of this week's Stranger, The Urban Archipelago, makes a great case for the value of creating a new progressive urban identity politics. Interesting stuff, and some good ideas for moving forward.
Nov 11, 2004: Good clean fun. Well, actually not clean at all. But GOOD. Tired of hearing how religion should dictate legislation? Take a listen:Keep Your Jesus Off My Penis
Nov 10, 2004: We received chocolate in the mail today from my wonderful friend Adele in England. The note attached made me all verklempt:
"Because we want you to know we know it's not your fault, and because there are the days when you need the security of knowing you have Dementor antidote to hand."
Nov 9, 2004: Ashcroft is GONE. There's nothing but happy dancing to be done about that one, even though the next appointee could be worse.
Nov 8, 2004:Sorry, Everybody It's a touching postcard to the world, with some lovely responses.
Nov 7, 2004: I saw the northern lights tonight, first time ever. Eerie and beautiful, and a reminder that there is wonder in the world that can't be hijacked by ANYONE.
Nov 6, 2004: More maps... for those of us tired of seeing so much unrelenting red, take a look at these cartograms. When the electoral map is adjusted for population, you see a more accurate representation of how evenly divided we are.
Nov 5, 2004: It amazes me how MUCH I want this map to be true. Gives me a wistful little giggle.
Nov 4, 2004: We're raising 'em right... if the young 'uns had decided the election, we'd be much bluer and much less blue. They did us proud, and they give me great hope for the future.

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