Friday, July 09, 2004

Life Lessons

Whether it was an attempt to delay bedtime just a little while longer, or a genuine interest in things politic, Nathan started a conversation with me last night as I was cuddling with him in the top bunk.

Nathan: "So George Bush is just the President of Seattle, right?"

Me: "Nope... sadly he's President (grumble) of the whole United States."

Nathan: "Where is Howard Dean President? I want to go there."

Me: "Me too, honey, me too."

It's really no fun having to dose my kids with such harsh reality. I'm thinking the question came about because we're going on vacation next week, and it must have occurred to him that in leaving our city we might also be going someplace that wasn't so unlucky with regards to head of state.

Other things I've tried to teach my kids this week:
  • Just because your shirt has a girl (namely Kim Possible) on it, doesn't mean it's a "girl's shirt", regardless of what your friends at daycamp say. If you like it, that's all that matters - and there's NOTHING wrong with thinking a girl is tshirt-worthy. (This lesson was accompanied by roleplaying "talk to the hand" and "what-ever" in case of future incidents.)

  • When you bump your forehead on the side of the pool while doing blast-offs from your teacher to the wall, you need take some deep breaths, get plenty of hugs, lick the water off the top of the ice cup (since you won't put it on the owie) and then get right back in the pool and keep on swimming.

  • You are not Bret Boone. Yet. Stop trying flip the ball sidearm to first.

  • If your brother asks you to stop looking at him, it would be nice to respect his wishes - someday you'll ask him to stop looking at (or touching or breathing on or...) you, and he's more likely to do so if you are nice to him. Same goes for sharing your Gatorade.

  • In the same vein, if your sister is looking at you and you don't want her to, rather than get all worked up about it, you could simply ignore her and go about your business. A lot of people will do a lot of things in your life that annoy the CRAP out of you. While you have no control over what they do, you do have control over how you react and the emotions you attach to those situations. (And no. It's not okay for you to say crap. I'm the mom, and it's called poetic license.)

  • Yes, CJ is funny. Yes, I know you want to marry him. However, 4 is too early to commit to one boy or girl. Though it's hard to believe now, you might meet someone you like better someday. Yes, honey, like when you're 6.

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