Monday, May 17, 2004

Everything old is new again

Okay, okay. After the outpouring of love for the original orange design (and the constant reminder of it everytime the buggy new software kicks the template back in time), I've decided to switch back with just a few modifications. This is the comment that sealed the decision (posted under the old system of course, due to the aforementioned bug):

This time it's my fault. I was looking at the new
new blog, dared to make a anonymous comment, and
now this. I'm willing to sacrifice my anonymity
for the sake of solving the problem.

I feel much more at home here, though, and it's
just like the good ol' days --- the orange and
yellow, the accessible sans-serif font, and
Kristina's not writing nearly enough. :o)


I will preserve the writer's anonymity while also copping to not writing nearly enough. *g* It's been a really busy couple of weeks, but all good. A few high points:

  • Got a groovy new haircut - bye-bye long locks!

  • Launched a huge new site at work and got a $100 gift cheque in recognition

  • Had lunch on a speedboat on Lake Washington last Friday

  • Attended Sophie's first t-ball practice. She's the only girl on her team, and they named themsleves the Red Foxes

  • Went in on a week's rental of a spacious beautiful house in Mazama, WA (located in the Methow Valley) with some friends at the Co-op auction

  • Continued to work on getting my massage space ready while waiting (not-so-patiently) for my license

Many thoughts that I will write about soon though. I've not said much about the continually worsening situation in Iraq, but I will. Oy. I will.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Red Foxes! I love it!