Saturday, May 28, 2005

Editorial Mea Culpa

So. Eddie Albert died yesterday. He was in his late 90's so there's not a lot of room for much sadness... the man had a good long life and passed on peacefully. But hearing of his death reminded me about how I have always confused Eddie Albert the actor and Eddy Arnold, the country-western singer that I remember fondly from my youth. So fondly, in fact, that I mentioned him last year in a post on his 96th birthday.

Wait a minute.

Sure enough... I messed them up last year. It was Eddie Albert's birthday that got me all nostalgiac about Eddy Arnold. Mr. Arnold is, as of this reporting, still alive and turned only 87 on his birthday last week. Geez.

Consider this my Dan Rather moment. So very very sorry. Will you ever trust me again?


Janet said...

I got them confused, too! So, who was it that died?

Lora said...

The Austin American-States man says that he was 99, 1906-2005. Personally, I had no idea he was still alive. I've never heard of Eddy Arnold before, but then I know absolutely nothing about county music.