Sunday, September 11, 2005

The Limits of Language

I have a lot to say, really I do. I'm just not finding the words to say it. Next week I'll catch up on our vacation and the new school year and the rainy start of soccer season. But, of course, that all seems so self-involved and mundane, and it is in the face of what has happened in this country, the shame and anger I feel. So today, a day of remembrance, I'll just link to two people who have said about recent events what I'm feeling, better than I possibly could right now.

Here's What Gets Me

A Letter to All Who Voted for George W. Bush from Michael Moore


Lora said...

Yes outrage. I live on the edge of the Bible Belt with lots of W stickers floating around and I'm still hearing a lot of honest criticism by my conservative neighbors.

Catch up when you can, we are anxious to hear, but we can wait.

protected static said...

Welcome back to the 'sphere ;)

Here's another good one that says it so much better than I can. Anyone who appreciates writing needs to read this piece if only for the great imagery.

Kristina said...

Wow, thanks for that link. Olbermann has had some fantastic editorials too. I do hope the worm has turned.

Thanks, Lora. How are you feeling?